Oops, I guess I didn't "blog more", but maybe this will be the year!

I had started to write an end of year post, but I quickly realised I didn't want to particularly talk about 2024 (except for the trip back to the UK to attend a friend's wedding, which was far and away the highlight of the year), so decided to just do a post about my goals for 2025 instead, rolling in the good bits from '24 along the way. So, without further ado, here we go!

Keep on Running

Last May, I spent a few days convincing myself that I would be someone who was 10kg lighter, and would run a few times a week. So I woke up one morning, walked to the closest gym and joined. It was so intensly hot outside for me to consider doing anything in The Outside, so that seemed to be the most viable option.Then I went and kept going. As the kid left the house for school in the morning, I would pick up my bag and walk the 10 minutes to the gym. 

I didn't think too much about the why or the how, or wrestled with should-I-go-today-or-not, just that I was now someone who exercised, and I was off to exercise. I wasn't particularly good at it and I didn't (yet) know what I was doing, but like everything else I've done in life, I find it best to Just Do It and things will figure themselves out. 

And they did. As of today, I've lost ~7kg since that day. BMI is down from over 28 to under25. I feel better, healthier, less aches, more energy and it's helped with the ol' mental health a lot too. And most interesing to me, I want to exercise. I get frustrated if I haven't gone for a run or to the gym for a few days (as has regularly been the case for the last month or so). 

So in 2025, I'm gonna keep on running. Lots. I want to lose another 6 or 7kg, get my 5k comfortably under 30m (currently floating around 31-32mins).

More Doing

October threw a spanner in the works work-wise. My big main client (which was the bulk of my income) ended my contract. Such is the way of contracting & freelancing I guess. I know I should be freaking out a tad (um, a lot), but for some (foolish?) reason, I'm not and I actually feel positive and optimisic about the near and long-term future. While I very much enjoyed working with the people and found some of the work sufficiently challenging, I also knew that it wasn't really the Right Thing for me. 

But I do feel like I finally know what the Right Thing is. I've spent long enough in and out of projects & teams, I've worked in so many different types of companies and with such wildly different teams and so many different levels, and I think I honestly finally accept that I NEED to work solo or in tiny teams, or leading them, taking on too-big and supposedly outsized projects. I need that pace,challenge, immediacy and pressure.

While I am very much in the market for some freelance Rails or Phoenix development projects, I have two main paths I want to focus on this year: my Personal "creatior" projects, and the company I'm a co-founder of, AgendaScope. 

Teaching? Tutorialising? 'Creator'?

For my personal project goals, looking back over everything I've done previously, some of the most rewarding and challenging things was writing my book on Ruby on Rails, and doing workshops about Rails. I of couse ended up getting pulled into the 'normal' work-mode, but I seriously want to return to doing more teaching.

I've been thinking about it for a while now, and I think bite-size video format would be perfect for what I want to achieve. Followed up with more 'project-based' tutorials. I'm still trying to figure our a real plan here, but in similar fashion to the exercsing, I kinda know that after it stewing in my head for while, I'll wake up one morning and hit record. I've never really been one for talking on video, but like everthing else, I'll just do it and get better at it.

Indie Projects

Along with this, I have a few project ideas that I believe would be perfect to go along with the teaching aspect, as a way of demonstraing techniques, or as ways to expand my knowledge so that I can teach it.

I'm already knee-deep in one of them, trying to turn it all into a plan in my head as I type.


I'm the co-founder of a company that is making software to help leaders think clearly, prioritise and acheive alignment in their teams. I'm not going to lie, it's been challenging - mainly with respect to how we communicate and market the app. Thankfully, I have an incredible co-founder that I'm figuring this all out with. He has been a rock through the past couple of years - I believe we are onto something great, and I believe we will crack it this year. Shout-out to Matt, looking forward to see what happens this year for us!

A Little Bit More Social

I'm not great at the socialsing thing, and being out in Fukuoka doesn't particularly make it easy. It's incredibly frustrating seeing all the tech events over in Tokyo and we have...tumbleweeds. I've already booked one trip to Tokyo in March simply to go to a couple of events, I will do that more. I need to do that more for my sanity.

Bit More Music

I've been attempting to teach myself electronic music production. I suck at it, but it's a very enjoyable process. I'm terrified of sharing anything, but this year I will. Promise.

Bit More Art

I used to draw. A lot. Somewhere along the way, I just stopped. A few weeks ago I got an overwhelming urge to pick up the pencil and paintbrushes again. Grabbed a bunch of supplies. Started sketching again. Will be doing more.

Less Screen, More (e)Paper

I go through phases of reading every available moment, then nothing for months because of stupid phones and work. I adore reading so I will make time for more of it. 

Another UK Trip

As I mentioned at the beginning, the trip back to the UK was THE highlight of the year for me. Not necessarily because of it being the UK (although not going to lie, it did treat us very well), but primarily because of being able to spend the so much time with friends and family. I was able to re-connect with some friends that I haven't seen for a looooong time and it was simply amazing. More of this.

Wow, that was longer than expected! So, to wrap up, I have high-hopes for 2025. It's going to be good. I truly hope that yours is too.